Sound Box 2.0
Petri Kuljuntausta curated online sound exhibition for Kiasma Contemporary Art Museum in 1999. The online exhibition contained 40 works from international artist and composers.
Programmer Aki Kivelä programmed the interface based on Teuvo Kohonen’s SOM mapping theory. The mapping was constructed based on Petri’s analysis of the inner elements of the sound works. The categories were:
* electronic sound (synthetic, computer generated)
* human voice (speech, singing)
* intrumental / musical sound (or synthetic modelling of acoustic sound)
* nature sound, concrete sound
* urban sound
From the SOM map the user can select the artists and composers, or listen to the works according to their sound elements.
The works of Sound Box 2.0:
1 Mathew Adkins Mapping
2 Marc Ainger Shatter
3 Pierre-André Arcand & Jocelyn Robert & Martin Meilleur & Christof Migone & Diane Landry & Chantal Dumas & David Michaud La Semaine Avatarienne
4 Christian Banasik …Letzte Gebärde Offener Münder
5 Steve Bradley Wire Music
6 Kristine Burns Garlands: Somewhere…
7 Warren Burt La Strega Bianca Della Luna II
8 Lelio Camilleri Bossa No Chance
9 Guto Caminhoto Paisagens Londrinenses 1
10 Crawling With Tarts End Loop Haiku
11 Yves Daoust Impromptu
12 Francis Dhomont En Cuerdas
13 Paul Dibley Thalis
14 Douglas Doherty Pacific 462
15 Kui Dong Flying Apples
16 Frank Ekeberg Ebb
17 Fon Sciatic
18 Howard J. Fredrics* The Raven’s Kiss
19 Diego Garro Peacekeepers
20 Thomas Gerwin Kurzgeschichten
21 Joseph Hyde Vox Mecanix
22 Keiichi Kitahara Condensed Cloth
23 Claire Laronde Nouvelle
24 Elaine Lillios Arturo
25 Doug Michael Extensions #2
26 Dennis Miller Vantage Point
27 Ed Osborn Language Master (Early Years)
28 Alistair Riddell Steam Land
29 Riccardo Santoboni Rituals
30 Claude Schryer Entre Ici Et Là: Croyance
31 Jarmo Sermilä But I Didn’t Know It Was Spring
32 Rodrigo Sigal Babel
33 Johannes S. Sistermanns Auf Blau Zugehen: Berlin, Raumgehen
34 Pete Stollery Onset/Offset
35 Benjamin Thigpen Step, Under
36 Jacques Tremblay Hérésie Ou LesBas-Reliefs Du Dogme
37 Hans Tutschku Extrémités Lointaines
38 Mario Verandi Figuras Flamencas
39 Dajuin Yao Garden Of Memories
40 Sean Paul Zitello & Peter Valsamis The Boil & The Poultry Chef’s Desire